Partner with us

‘I love that my financial support can do so much more because the Centre puts hands and feet on the ground to meet very real needs in our community.’



Our services are delivered to the vulnerable free of charge. Each year our initiatives are impacting thousands of lives. Our volunteers last year committed over 800 hours.

Resources are crucial for our volunteers, who cannot continue to do this work without the resources of food, equipment, training and administration. These all cost money.

Your financial support will be saving lives, feeding families and keeping a roof over their heads.

All donations over $2 are tax deductible. You can give with EFT using the details below or by using the link from the donate button.”

BSB 082 691
AC 655 155 070
Reference: Your Name 

Please send us your contact details so we can send you a receipt.


Your giving is making a difference in areas of great need in our city.

Got a question? Find out what your giving can do. It takes a village to restore people who have experienced poverty, suffering, distress and misfortune.

  • “She made me feel like I had someone in my corner.”

  • “I am the most stubborn person you will ever meet, I do not ask for help at all, but if I never had, I wouldn’t be debt free now.”

  • “I find it really helpful to talk about how to manage some of the things that can lead to depression, like loneliness, shame, grief and anxiety.”

  • “The leaders are just like my best friends and really care about me.”

  • “I really enjoyed learning to love cooking again. The recipes were great and the take home pack was very helpful.”